Privacy Policy

Usage of Data

The bot may use stored data, as defined below, for core features of the bot. No usage of data outside of the aforementioned cases will happen and the data is not shared with any 3rd-party site or service.

Stored Information

The bot stores no information by default upon adding to server, however, after running the setup command, it will store the values entered during the setup process for bot function, including:
the "time keeper role"
the "admin role"
the "bong channel"
the "lowest role"
the "bong time"
a list of channels that the specified "low role" can send messages too.

During normal gameplay, the bot stores:

User Based Data:
The amount of "bongs" a user has
The fastest reaction time a user achieved
If the user has any "golden bongs"

Guild Based Data:
The streak a user might have based on consecutive "bong" holding
A point value calculated on a users reaction time
The channel(ID), time, and user(ID) of the user that got the last "golden bong"
Upon entering a new "season", bong data from the user from the previous seasons is saved.

Updating Data

The data may be updated when using specific features of the bot. Data is updated when the following occurs: /setup is run with a new or updated configuration a user interacts with the bot to get a "bong" or "golden bong" a user runs the /refresh command to get a new set of channels that the lowest role specified in the /setup command has the send_messages permission

Temporarily stored Information

The Bot may keep the stored information in an internal caching mechanic for a certain amount of time to reduce requests to its database. After a specified time period will the cached data be discarded and only re-acquired when needed. Data may be dropped from cache pre-maturely through actions such as removing the bot from the Server.

Removal of Data

Automatic removal

Stored Data can be removed automatically through means of removing the bot from a Server. This can be achieved by using the moderation features provided by Discord. Re-adding the bot back to the server will store data again, as described in the Stored Information section of this policy.

Manual removal

Manual removal of the data can be requested at the support server. For security reasons will we ask you to provide us with proof of ownership of the server, that you wish the data to be removed of. Only a server owner may request manual removal of data and requesting it will result in the bot being removed from the server, if still present on it.

3rd Parties:

The /snipe function "snipe" uses data from the openweatherapi . No personally identifiable information is shared with this third party.